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Charles Anderson
Charles Anderson

Penthouse USA June 1977

The first FBI employees moved into the new building June 28, 1974. At that time, FBI Headquarters offices were housed in nine separate locations. By May 30, 1975, the Director, the associate director, and several divisions had moved in. Thirty-eight years after the first proposal for a separate FBI building and 15 years after Congress approved construction on the Pennsylvania Avenue site, the last employees moved into the building in June 1977.

Penthouse USA June 1977

29th March 1977- On this day 40 years ago, in the midst of a string of UK dates including a gig at the infamous London punk club the Roxy, Dave Greenfield celebrated his 28th birthday. Happy birthday Dave!!!

The International Emergency Economic Powers Act was invoked, for the freezing of Iranian assets, on 14 November 1979, by the US administration. The IEEPA, an American statute enacted in 1977, provided the legal framework for the imposition and the implementation of the freeze.1 Under the IEEPA the US President is vested with extensive powers to restrict the mobility and transfer of financial assets and properties of foreign sovereign states and individuals held under the jurisdiction of the United States. On the basis of these powers the US administration can freeze foreign assets for reasons of national security, economic interest, and foreign policy.2

Comments:Support from The Dead Boys and The Drones. The set above is mostlytaken from a cassette of the show - 'You Take My Money' to 'Born ToKill'. However, extracts of this show have been released invarious formats and include 'I Fall'.There is no obviousbreakin the cassette source recording, so it seems likely that 'I Fall'began the show - this number was often the opener in 1977. But, theremay have been more songs played prior to 'You Take My Money'.

Comments: Gig known to have taken place but the set may bein some doubt - a bootleg supposedly exists for Hamburg on 20 October1977, but ticket stubs prove that The Damned were due to appear at KantKino in Berlin on 20 October. It therefore seems probable that the set,for so long marked-up as 20 October, is actually 19 October... however,it is possible that a cancellation of the Berlin gig may have occurredand a 2nd night in Hamburg added, or that the set is actually from KantKino on the 20th.

Comments: Second gig of the European tour. This was thefinal gig for Rat Scabies before leaving the band in 1977, having laterbeen involved in a fracus at the hotel Toucon club... the rod thatseems to have 'broken the camels back', as it appears that he wasalready disenchanted with the direction the band were taking musically[The Music For Pleasure album material] and, it would seem, was unhappywith doing the European tour - promoting the new material (that he didnot have faith in), and not enjoying the experience of being on theroad with some other band members and their partners.

Comments: First gig of the European tour and one of only 2dates that Rat Scabies played prior to quiting the band in 1977.Members of the political party the Front National (FN) turned up anddisrupted the show, throwing chairs, damaging equipment, and smashingthe windows of the hall. It seems that only a few songs were actuallyplayed. Apparently Rat Scabies played a long solo on the drum-kitmicrophones (described as 'at least 20 minutes long and very funny').

Comments: Support to T-Rex. 'New Rose' was restarted andpartially replayed because the band were out of sync originally and thefirst rendition 'fell apart'. The Damned joined T-Rex on stage for 'GetIt On'... the only concert on the tour where The Damned joined T-Rex onstage (The recording of 'Get It On' is included on the 'Marc Bolan andT-Rex Live 1977' recording).

Comments: A contributor to this site made the followingobservation, 'On 2 March 1977, North London Polytechnic BusinessSociety hosted The Damned. I had to be there and write about it in myscrap book. I cut up the original flyer but chose to decorate the scrapbook with a picture of the Sex Pistols at Caerphilly! Most of the fansare young-the girls 14 or 15 years old, the blokes 17-19. A long lineof girls sat along the edge of the stage, eyes laced with turquoiseeye-shadow, peroxide hair and an abundance of safety pins through nosesand clothes. Torn T-shirts held together by by safety pins, crocodilebelts, mini-skirts, suspender belts, green stockings, stilettos. Theblokes aren't as colourful but have their own gimmicks: telephonestrapped to the shoulder, rainbow hair. And the Damned... not asdynamic as I had hoped. Much too loud and didn't try to excite theaudience - I heard they tried to set light to some cymbals at the endbut it didn't work too well.

Comments: Also on the bill may have been The Adverts,however, unclear where this information came from now and a Roxy flyerfor the time indicates the intended support as Chelsea. The Damnedplayed The Roxy on mumerous occasions during January and February 1977and though the set for this actual show is unknown, a setlist for ONEOF THOSE SHOWS was: One Of The 2, New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, IFeel Alright, Feel The Pain, Fish, See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's TooLate, So Messed Up'.

Comments: Gig known to have taken place. Johnny Moped insupport with Captain Sensible on backing vocals. A contributor to thissite wrote 'We just turned up each Monday and walked straight insidethe Roxy until this point, however, we had to queue around the block toget in this time, 'Damned Damned Damned' had come out about a weekbefore, and suddenly the band were news. We were outraged.' The Damnedplayed The Roxy on mumerous occasions during January and February 1977and though the set for this actual show is unknown, a setlist for ONEOF THOSE SHOWS was: One Of The 2, New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, IFeel Alright, Feel The Pain, Fish, See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's TooLate, So Messed Up'.

Comments: This gig confirmed as having taken place.Support from The Adverts. The Damned played The Roxy on mumerousoccasions during January and February 1977 and though the set for thisactual show is unknown, a setlist for ONE OF THOSE SHOWS was: One OfThe 2, New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, I Feel Alright, Feel The Pain,Fish, See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's Too Late, So Messed Up'.

Comments: This show was listed on an upcoming tour datesitinary for February and March of 1977 owned by Rat Scabies. However,the music press at the time suggested that The Damned were playingNorthampton on the 15th. The same itinerary showed The Damned asappearing in London on the 15th for the live recording of 'Neat NeatNeat' for Supersonic TV (which, during 1977, was being aired on aSaturday, but the recording day is unclear - The Damned's appearancewas actually aired on Saturday 26 February). Because it is known thatsome other dates in the Scabies' itinerary did not come to fruition,and that the televised show did not get aired on Saturday 19 February,the date of the 15th is believed to be the correct Northampton date(for the moment), however, it remains possible that the Northamptonshow was actually rescheduled for the 12th. Incidently, the single'Neat Neat Neat' was not released until Friday 19 February... if thathas any bearing on events? Either way, The Damned are known to haveplayed the County Ground in Northampton during February, with supportfrom Bandana.

Comments: Supposedly support to Eater, and The Rejectsalso on the bill, however, a contributor to this site wrote 'Supportwere The Rejects - I remember nothing about Eater'. The Damned playedThe Roxy on mumerous occasions during January and February 1977 andthough the set for this actual show is unknown, a setlist for ONE OFTHOSE SHOWS was: One Of The 2, New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, I FeelAlright, Feel The Pain, Fish, See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's Too Late, SoMessed Up'.

Comments: The Damned played The Roxy on mumerous occasionsduring January and February 1977 and though the set for this actualshow is unknown, a setlist for ONE OF THOSE SHOWS was: One Of The 2,New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, I Feel Alright, Feel The Pain, Fish,See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's Too Late, So Messed Up'.

Comments: Support supposedly from Eater and The Boys,however, a contributor to this site wrote 'Support were The Boys, Iremember nothing about Eater being on the bill, and anyway, The Roxypolicy was two bands only, or one band twice'. The Damned played TheRoxy on mumerous occasions during January and February 1977 and thoughthe set for this actual show is unknown, a setlist for ONE OF THOSESHOWS was: One Of The 2, New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, I FeelAlright, Feel The Pain, Fish, See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's Too Late, SoMessed Up'.

Comments:The Damned played before Eater. 'He terrified me. I took several stepsback when he started to sing, and it wasn't because of the volume. He'ssimply very frightening. Dave Vanian bellowed like the prodigalreturning to hades as he assassinated Born To Kill, Fish, Help and theincredible New Rose, jumping off the stage for a soupcon of performerparticipation as he pogoed wildly with all the young punks. The Damnedleft me feeling like a speed come-down, like the feeling you getwatching day break after 3 nights awake'. The Damned played The Roxy onmumerous occasions during January and February 1977 and though the setfor this actual show is unknown, a setlist for ONE OF THOSE SHOWS was:One Of The 2, New Rose, Alone, Help, Fan Club, I Feel Alright, Feel ThePain, Fish, See Her Tonite, I Fall, It's Too Late, So Messed Up'.

With ties to Brookville, New York, Idol bought the penthouse from two residence trusts in the name of Pari-Sima Pahlavi, widow of the late Iranian Prince Abdul Reza Pahlavi. The couple's son, Prince Kamyar Pahlavi, served as trustee of the trust. His father was the half-brother of the late deposed Shah of Iran.

And Moens has a beachfront condominium, listed at the Sun & Surf, 100 Sunrise Ave., that is also under contract after asking $18.75 million, a price that set a record in Palm Beach, according to the MLS. That penthouse apartment, PH-2-E, is owned by a Delaware limited liability company named Magis LLC. The unit has has a total of 8,841 square feet, of which about 5,000 square feet is air-conditioned space. 041b061a72




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