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George Markov
George Markov

3S MP Utility V.2.182 (SSS6692)

SM3255TSTOSHIBA TC58NC6688G1F SSS3S MP Utility v.2.182 (SSS6692)Utility to restore the flash controllers Solid State SystemSSS6692. Password to change the configuration: 5526568 The archivefor the four binary 6692. 3S MP Utility v.2.173 (SSS 6679 6688 66896690 6691 6692) Utility to restore the flash controllers SolidState System SSS6691. Password to change the configuration: 5526568In the archives of 88 binaries, mainly for 6691. configuration fileis just one, but based on it can make its own, replacing thefirmware files ( 6691_B3-A_20090708_VA10500_9085.BIN ) 3S USB MPUv.2162 (6677,6690,6691) Utility to restore the flash controllersSolid State System SSS6677, SSS6690 and SSS6691. SSS6691 v.2.159(U3S MPTOOL) Utility to restore the flash on the controller SolidState System SSS6691. Password to change the configuration: 5526568In the archive there are instructions for creating CD-ROM on thiscontroller. SSS6686 v.2.159 (TC58NC6686 MPTOOL) Utility to restorethe flash on the controller Solid State System SSS 6686, SSS6688,SSS6690, SSS6691 and Toshiba TC58NC6688. Password to change theconfiguration: 5526568 U3S6690 FlashSort MP v5.024 Utility torestore the flash controllers Solid State System SSS6690. SecureAPv1.0 A simple utility that serves to split into two independentcontrollers, flash drives section SSS. Also, it can set a passwordon the flash drive (create a secure section). once came across USBflash drive that you have not seen any other tool for SSS inwriting commentaries on what controller 3S earned a utility.SSS6690 USB Flash Sorting Ver 4.024 (UltraNet) Utility to restorethe flash controllers Solid State System SSS6690. SSS6690 USB FlashSorting Ver 4.023 (UltraNet) Utility to restore the flashcontrollers Solid State System SSS6690. SSS 6633B2 USB Toolv1.2.0.0 Utility to restore the flash controllers Solid StateSystem SSS-6633B2. ODFormat.exe odn_fix.exeSSS6686 v.2.150(TC58NC6686 MPTOOL) Utility to restore the flash on the controllerSolid State System SSS 6686, SSS6688, SSS6690, SSS6691 and ToshibaTC58NC6688. Password to change the configuration: 5526568 U3SSafeEraseUtility v1.16 The utility will erase all blocks on theflash drive controllers SSS. After it, the flash drive will berecognized as Generic, seemingly at the same time corrects allerrors. Will display the correct VID / PID, and everything worksfine. It is recommended to use before flashing 3S MPTool'om andOnCard Sorting'om.SSS6690 USB Flash Sorting Ver V5.014 (UltraNet)Utility to restore the flash controllers Solid State SystemSSS6690. SSS6677 USB OnCardSorting Ver 3.017 (UltraNet) Utility torestore the flash controllers Solid State System SSS6677. U3SSafeEraseUtility v1.15 The utility will erase all blocks on theflash drive controllers SSS. After it, the flash drive will berecognized as Generic, seemingly at the same time corrects allerrors. Will display the correct VID / PID, and everything worksfine. The Chinese recommend using before flashing 3S MPTool'om andOnCard Sorting'om.SSS6690 USB Flash Sorting Ver 4.010 (UltraNet)Utility to restore the flash controllers Solid State SystemSSS6690. SSS6677 USB OnCardSorting Ver 3.013 (UltraNet) Utility torestore the flash controllers Solid State System SSS6677. SSS6677USB OnCardSorting Ver 3.007 (UltraNet) 08.12.9 Utility to restorethe flash controllers Solid State System SSS6677. SSS6686 v.2.112(TC58NC6686_MPTOOL) Utility to restore the flash on the controllerSolid State System SSS 6686 and TC58NC6688. Password to change theconfiguration: 5526568 SSS 6666 V1.51 (C100Test) Utility to restorethe flash controllers Solid State System SSS 6666. 3S USB MassPTool U3S MP ver.2.099 (PS 2232-SSS 6677) Utility to restore theflash controllers, Phison PS in 2232 and the Solid State System SSS6677, SSS 6673, SSS 6675 and Toshiba TC58NC6682G1F.

3S MP Utility v.2.182 (SSS6692)

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