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George Markov
George Markov

Where Can I Buy Used College Books

Going to college is a major milestone, regardless of age or prior experience. It can also be a big transition compared to previous educational pursuits. One clear and significant change is college books; you will probably find yourself purchasing a whole different type and number of textbooks than ever before.

where can i buy used college books

ThriftBooks is here to help you navigate the complex world of college and university books. After all, having the right textbooks will put you on the path to success in college. We work hard to ensure you have access to all types of books you might need, including college prep books, study guides, and subject-specific books. We can even help you find the right SAT prep books as you work to get into the school of your dreams.

Our books are more than affordable; they are also high quality. ThriftBooks staff personally assess each used book in our inventory to determine its condition and value. We use a standard condition rating system, so you will always know a book's condition before ordering it.

You'll also want to hone your writing skills. These will play a significant role in everything from note-taking to composing final papers. Our great selection of college writing books is an excellent resource as you develop college-level writing skills.

ThriftBooks buys used books at a tremendous volume that our competitors simply can't match. That buying power means we are able to offer a selection of books with greater depth and breadth than other booksellers.

AbeBooks offers an incredible selection of new and used textbooks. While going to college for the first time can be stressful, buying your college textbooks is easy with AbeBooks. Our vast selection ensures students don't have to pay full-price for textbooks.

We all know that college is expensive. In fact, according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the cost of college textbooks have risen the highest of all the college costs. At, we are trying to help you buck that trend. There are a lot of college textbook sellers on the internet and we do our best to find them. The competition to get your business is fierce and we take advantage of that. Our search is quite comprehensive. We extensively search the internet to help you find the cheapest price for your college textbooks. Whether it's an individual seller on a marketplace site or a large store trying to compete for your business, we search them all. This gives you more choices and a much better chance to get your college textbooks at a price that is cheap. Do a couple searches on our site, the variety of sellers will amaze you.

Sell your textbooks:Before you go to the college bookstore and get only a fraction of what you paid, check's buyback price comparison to sell your textbooks for the most money.You can even sell novels, cookbooks and other types of books; our partners buy up to 1 million titles.

With all of the options to buy books, gadgets, and school supplies online, college bookstores are becoming more obscure, and purchases made on campus are more often made out of emergency, urgency, or convenience rather than necessity.

Chances are you are not going to keep all your college textbooks, so you should buy books with the intention of reselling to save the most money. If another edition of the book is coming out this year, the value of your book will drop. You could also look at renting your textbooks.

While you may already be familiar with sites such as Amazon,, and, consider the options below for the best deal possible on your next set of college textbooks. Textbook comparison websites, such as Book Rocket can get you a quick price comparison from multiple websites for the best price with shipping and other discounts.

BigWords is a search engine designed to help you find the best prices on college textbooks. Although you may end up purchasing textbooks through different retailers, you will be able to get the best prices and shipping costs.

BookFinder will help you search for the lowest prices to buy books, and the highest return for selling books. You can compare new, used and rental offers from over a large selection of sellers, including major websites such as AbeBooks and Amazon. is a free price comparison page for buying, renting and selling textbooks, they also price compare eBooks for rent or buy, across all the major textbook websites. Shipping is shown and any coupons that can be used are all shown on the same page for ease of use. They are completely up to date and constantly improving their site, so you know you are getting the best service.

For over 20 years, has worked directly with textbook publishers with one goal - to be the cheapest online bookstore! We have also partnered with thousands of other sellers in the textbook marketplace to offer an even larger selection of used and new textbooks at discounted prices. Just find a textbooks doing an ISBN lookup, search for book title or author and find the best prices on millions of titles from hundreds of publishers and thousands of sellers.

In addition to offering you great discounts on used & new books directly from publishers, we make it easy for you to compare prices from 70,000+ marketplace sellers! Just find the book you want and click "See Prices" next to the Marketplace option.

With one simple search we connect you to various companies buying used textbooks online. By comparing textbook buyback prices, we ensure you receive the best prices for your textbooks. Shipping is free and you're often paid the same day your book is received.

The bookstore offers year round buy-back of textbooks from students. Peak times are during final exams where students can receive up to half back depending on the demand and value of the textbook. The buyback amount is never guaranteed since textbook buyback is based on demand (in store and nationwide). Instructor copies and international editions are not eligible for buyback.

A financial aid book advance (FABA) is excess aid available on your student account that is used to purchase books and supplies from the bookstore. FABA will be loaded on your Claw Card. You are responsible for any charges that result from charges or changes in aid.

If you want to keep your sale local, you can use Craigslist to get matched up with potential buyers near you. While other community sale sites have popped up over the years, Craigslist is still an online option to sell used textbooks. Like with any sale where you are meeting an unfamiliar person, make sure to meet up in a public setting, possibly bring a friend and get paid in cash.

Buying a used textbook is the easiest and quickest way to save money. The key is to make sure you are buying a book that is in reasonable condition. The search tool listed above includes the price of both new and used books. The best used book price came in at $52.87. The seller,, listed the condition of the book as "good" without additional details.

Another option is to rent textbooks. Again with the same search tool above, I quickly found the cost of renting the textbook--$32.36 for a 125 day rental period. While initially the rental prices appear attractive, keep in mind that you can't sell the book back. When you buy new or used textbooks, you can recoup some of the cost by selling the books after you've aced the final exam.

Please return the incorrect book with receipt to the campus bookstore where it was purchased for a refund and assistance with a book exchange. If you need to mail-in your refund/return book, please include your original receipt with the book. If you need assistance ordering a different book, contact your campus bookstore using the contact list above for more assistance.

Selling Books online to Sell Back Your Book could not be easier. Simply enter your books ISBN number in the box above and we will give you an instant price quote! Sell books with free shipping and no worries about if your book will sell or not. Our online book buyback tool is the best way to get value for your used books.

Why let those old books continue to gather dust? Give your used books a good home and get cash in your pocket today! Our process is risk-free and honest, we tell you exactly which books we can receive, what they are currently worth at that moment, and you have the option to see your overall quote before accepting. You can even click below to download our mobile app so that you can scan the ISBN codes with your phone!

Through our partnerships with affiliates, booksellers, and other platforms, finds you the best prices online! We calculate product price, shipping, and total savings from every major online store through one simple search, saving you time. From buying new, used, or even renting textbooks, Bigwords will put more dollars in your pocket and books in your bag.

Elgin Community College owns and operates the ECC Bookstore to benefit our campus. Proceeds from purchases made at the bookstore support the college and its students. Thank you for your support in shopping at the ECC Bookstore, where you'll find ECC spirit wear, scrub tops, and culinary supplies such as skull caps and chef coats, and more.

Is it a good idea to sell your used textbooks? Absolutely! Why should you do that? First, college tuition and expenses keep rising, including your textbooks. If you sell your used college books, you can earn back some of these costs.

There are several reasons why you should sell used college books. Now, some of the reasons outlined below may not work for your specific situation, but most will. Use the points explained in this section to know how to proceed with selling your textbooks. 041b061a72




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